Turf Treatment With Exclusive Services

Turf Treatment (Client Photo) Kohler Lawn & Outdoor

Turf treatment with Kohler Lawn & Outdoor includes some exclusive services for our current customers! All the weed seeds are in quick germination mode! We are here to get them gone for you! Our program is designed to revive your lawn into a fuller and greener property than your neighbor’s lawn through our exclusive services…

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Turf Treatment Starts With The First Signs Of Spring

Turf Treatment Routes Are Available! (Kohler Provided Photo) Kohler Lawn & Outdoor

Turf treatment should begin at the first signs of spring, and we have room on our routes for you! When the soil temperature at the surface reaches 55° F for four or five consecutive days, crabgrass begins to germinate. Seeds germinate from early spring to late summer. It’s important to start early in the spring…

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Turf Treatment: Best Defense Against Weeds & Pests

Turf treatment is the best defense against weeds and pests. You may be seeing weeds in your yard and if they haven’t been treated by now, it’s late…but not too late! When enrolling in our full turf program, our Kohler Lawn & Outdoor technicians will treat any current weeds in your yard at every visit throughout the season.…

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